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Living The "Pie" Life

Mrs. Lacy's Magnolia House is my family's go-to place to have lunch anytime we visit my Nana in Sanford, NC. I could probably count on one hand how many visits we've had there and Mrs. Lacy's wasn't on the agenda. You just can't go wrong with her tea room!

It's also one of the few places we'll order dessert at lunchtime...

...okay, that part may be a lie--dessert is always a necessary to conclusion to any meal!

Anywho, after interviewing a couple other recipes for Chocolate Chess Pie, none came close to Mrs. Lacy's!

What I love about her recipe, is its simplicity. You most likely already have all the necessary ingredients in your kitchen, so this is one you could whip up in a pinch! 

Despite its (super) small town feel, I truly love driving down the road from Greensboro for a visit. For the most part, everything is the same each time I go back, and I think that's what I love most about it. It's where we do Christmas each year, it's where I first loved to ride my bike, it's where I learned how to make all of my favorite recipes, and when I go back I'm reminded of all those things.

My Nana was a schoolteacher for most of her adult life, and as a little girl, when my mom and I would visit during the summers or when her students were on break, we would always take a trip to her classroom and I would have a field day playing with all her school supplies, chalkboard, and dry erase board! If you read my Georgia post then you know I can't resist a good dry erase! With that in mind, it probably wouldn't surprise you that I asked for school/office supplies for various birthdays and Christmases...

Sanford is also where I learned to play all the card games. Nana and I would play on her foyer floor for hours. 

After that we'd most likely move on to battleship, or my mom's Barbies that she played with as a kid.

And in just a few short weeks I'll be back to visit so Nana and I can get all of our holiday baking done. A tradition we started when I turned 16 and got my driver's license!

I'm sure we'll have time to lunch at Mrs. Lacy's and fit in a couple card games while I'm there! :) 

**And for my gluten-free peeps, swap out regular pie crusts for GF ones and you've got yourself a gluten-free dessert!**

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