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The Girl Behind The Apron


"I just don't think cake is THAT bad for you. All that's in it is like flour, milk, and eggs."
Just a little tidbit from a conversation I had with one of my best friends as we binge ate someone else's birthday cake--I mean who even said you can't have other people's cake and eat it too...? She, like me, has no problem whatsoever consuming an entire cake/batch of cookies/whole pie/etc. in one sitting. Having that trait in common, I certainly appreciated her eye roll when I added "...yea, and lots of sugar, butter, sometimes chocolate, and icing...," to the list of cake ingredients. If they're all organic ingredients, then do they even count?? Well, yes, but will I feel better about eating every last slice? Absolutely. Plus life is too short, so eat the dessert. Actually, eat all of them.
Throughout my college and somewhat "adult" years, as I continued my personal dessert-eating excursion, I have collected and created a fair amount of sweets recipes! Alongside those have come lots of memories. And newspapers. Now, if you know me at all, then you know it is not because I read them. My Nana always taught me to line my kitchen counters with newspaper when baking to save me from spending too much time cleaning up. It's a super helpful yet simple step that I highly recommend.

In my ripe old age of 25, I have also acquired a habit of collecting all things decor, which I just find so ironic. Growing up, I could not stand when my parents would watch HGTV, take me to Bed, Bath, & Beyond, furniture stores, etc. But here I am 15+ years later, not being able to get enough of them all. I guess that's how you know when you've become a true adult. Now my spending is still heavily oriented towards my wardrobe, but I can say without a doubt that more and more of my dollars go straight to Home Goods, At Home, Red Collection, and Crate&Barrel. Some may say I have a decorating problem, but I have no problem decorating anything at all!  

I wanted to create a place where my love for both baking and "decortaining" could merge, so I introduced The Mint Cottage to 203 Yumlington Place. I am happy to say that so far they have been nothing but unstoppable together, and I can't wait for y'all to see what they have in store for all of us!

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[name=Lindsey] [img=https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhIZo103-X9sb8KV08pHrxb5ET5nWahtRXEkU5-h7Vhk0LP9e7tcu7adeE0wFYSrzV7qAAvFtMP-vBu94ImpKVp4G8BgummdvHxVyvumJVjTTPl9mCq_Sj6DFP5zqPJib8ezjD4m-m_oxtn/s100/DSC_0278.jpg] [description=Thanks so much for stopping by! I'm always always always looking for new recipes, decor ideas, and good company, so please feel free to leave a comment or reach out to me via email. Don't forget to subscribe for 203YP updates! And if you're looking to place an order, head to the "Request A Sweet Order" page!] (facebook=https://www.facebook.com/linds.eli) (instagram=https://www.instagram.com/lgoodstat/) (pinterest=https://www.pinterest.com/lgoodstat/)

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