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Sweet Savannah!

Long before we set out for our beach vacay, I had already planned to dedicate a day to road tripping to Savannah, GA. It was only 45 minutes from where we were staying and home to one of my most admired shops of all things home entertaining, monograms, stationary, gifts, and so much more—EmilyMcCarthy Shoppe!

I was also so excited to visit because I had never been to Savannah before…at least that’s what I thought. When I brought up the idea of this mini road trip to the rest of the clan and expressed my excitement, they quickly (practically in unison) said, “um you’ve definitely been to Savannah before, we went last time we visited HHI.” Well that was news to me—it must not have been that entertaining of a trip!

So, we hopped in the car—well, really we squeezed in the car. I sat in the back with Mark and Abby’s boyfriend, Will, and the 3 of us created a Lindsey sandwich rather quickly. Mom and Abby comfortably sat up front as they both have car sickness issues…whatever.

First stop was obviously Emily McCarthy and I could not contain my excitement! I’m not usually one to get outwardly excited about things ever, so it was a lot for my family to see.
We walked in and I swear I heard angels singing some kind of welcome song directly to me. The store was everything I’d already seen photos of and so much more—it was beautiful and I didn’t know where to start. I wanted everything, but would need to win the lottery to afford the vast variety of pieces.

I could've done some serious damage just on this wall alone...

My peeps were getting rather hungry so I started feeling a tad bit rushed, but that was actually a good thing—it forced me to make a decision on what to purchase!

I purchased a red and white coral platter that I’ve had my eye on for quite some time, and a bamboo napkin holder that actually sold out last time I tried to get my hands on it!

This coral platter goes perfectly with the red scheme in my kitchen at The Mint Cottage!

Broke it in with Mom's birthday cupcakes from Sweet Carolina Cupcakes!

It's crazy how the smallest accessories, like my new napkin holder can make such a difference in your home!
1. Target Bar Cart 2. Kate Spade Vase 3. Double Old Fashioned "I believe in cocktails" glasses 4. Kate Spade Gold Polka Dot Highball Glasses

I have a weak spot for fun cocktail napkins like these!

If you know me at all, then you know I’m a bit old fashioned, so naturally my final purchase was a box of stationary in Emily’s gorgeous colorful leopard print.

She has so many amazing patterns, but I just can't get enough of this one!

I was able to break in my lovely new stationary for Mom's birthday!

This concluded Savannah stop #1. I was a bit sad, but also satisfied, and hungry—it seems I had shopped up an appetite.

Savannah stop #2 was lunch at The Grey. It was a restaurant that used to be an old Greyhound Bus Terminal that was restored to its original sheen. Such a neat concept and atmosphere!

Click HERE for The Grey menu! You won't be disappointed!

The bar setup at The Grey made me feel like I had time traveled to the 60's--the decade I was really destined for.
Okay, sadly this is the only food photo I snapped while at lunch! This shrimp hush puppy was heavenly, and I think I could have easily eaten 20 if the little suckers.

After lunch, we had some bellies to walk off, so we bopped around Savannah’s City Market area.

Naturally I was drawn to the first bakery I saw, but it was not your typical bakery. It was a pet bakery, Woof Gang Bakery! Y’all. This place was so darn cute, full of so many colorful pet treats and pet-related home décor items. The treats displayed looked so amazing that even I was tempted…

I tried to tell some "who let the dogs out?" jokes to the employees...I don't quite know them well enough to know whether or not their laughs were genuine, but I still think I'm funny!
Already made arrangements to have that UGA bucket in the background sent to me...I thought there would be less guilt if I bought it on a different day than my visit...my name is Lindsey and I have a serious problem!
How precious is this Woof Gang display, though?! 

What really did me in was all of the UGA gear they had. I love me some Bulldawgs décor! It only felt right picking up a Georgia hand towel to go with the rest of my Georgia-themed pieces in my kitchen.

Go Dawgs!

I also couldn’t help myself—I had to purchase the kitty towel that said, “Let’s get this party started right meow.”

Bentley felt good about this particular purchase, and it looks fab on my move-able kitchen island!

I clearly only purchase necessary items for my home…

Okay, at this point my sweet tooth was getting a tad bit hangry, so we headed over to River Street to continue walking around. I immediately disappeared into the first place that had an ice cream sign!

It just so happened to be Savannah’s Original Candy Kitchen. Usually I get my fair share of chocolate-covered everything in a candy store, but this sweet tooth new exactly what it wanted, so I bee lined to the ice cream parlor in the back (after snagging some praline samples, of course).

Two scoops of cookies n’ cream and a chocolate dipped cone with rainbow sprinkles later, I was a happy girl.

Ice cream party of 1.

At this point it was hot as all get out, and we had some naps to fit in before our next meal back on the island, so we loaded up the car (same set-up…still whatever) and headed back to what was our sweet home for the week!

Until next time Savannah!
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