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"Something Old Is Something New Again!"

"Something old is something new again" is a saying that holds true in my home.

For the past 2+ (almost 3!) years that I’ve lived at The Mint Cottage, everything inside it has played a role in turning this house into my sweet home. Some of my favorite pieces are actually "vintage" family hand-me-downs. For me, they're much more meaningful, and certainly more practical--can't beat free y'all!

 Take one of my bookcases for example; I always tell people about it because it was actually my mother’s in college! She kept it for years to come after graduating, and when it was time for me to venture off to UGA, I took it with me (after painting it a hideous purple…). It now sits prettier (I repainted it) in my living room holding my television and woven baskets that come in handy for additional storage--a great multi-tasking piece!

But I’d have to say that my favorite received so far, would have to be family chinaware.

As the only granddaughter on one side of the family, and the favorite first grandchild on both :), I get first dibs on older family items like these. Whether it be jewelry, photos, or Aunt Paige’s tiara from when she won Miss Lee County Fair, I am the deciding factor on whether my cousins will even have a chance at owning these heirlooms!

Now, if you know me in the least bit, then you're probably wondering what in the world I use said chinaware for because you know good and well I'm not making meals over here! 

Instead, I actually decorate with the collection, and I’m sharing how you can utilize yours in other places besides your dining room table below! 

Okay so I am very proud of this plate rack because I hung it all by myself! After rearranging multiple times to see if I liked big to small or small to big better, I finally settled with big up top to little on the bottom...
...and by that I mean I texted photos of the arrangements to my mother for her to ultimately decide! :)

I know this post is dedicated to my china pieces, but I HAVE to tell you about my cookie jar! I'm lucky to have a best friend who loves to go antique-ing--Carlee found this on one of her outings and gave it to me for my birthday.
It just so happened to match the other pieces in my kitchen perfectly, and has quickly become my newest obsession!

I'm sure you're wondering if I've been keeping cookies in it...sadly, I have not! Mostly because there's no one living with me that I could blame when I end up binge-eating all of them myself. So for now it just sits on it's matching china plate in the middle of my kitchen island...full of candy instead!
[hehe :)] 

I also use a platter as part of my kitchen table centerpiece! It holds my flowers (which are always fake because I can't seem to keep any alive at The Mint Cottage), a candle or two, and my bulldog S&P shakers.

My coffee station is probably my favorite little spot within my kitchen. For me, there's just something so serene about it first thing in the mornings, and I think my little heirlooms play a huge role in that! 
It may also have something to do with that fact I'm about to enjoy a much needed cup of coffee which I always look forward to! I adore my little sugar bowl, and have this weird obsession with keeping it filled to brim at all times...

I also have the creamer to complete the set, and I typically put it out when guests visit me at The Mint Cottage!

Either way, this blue and white corner is very special to me!

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