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"Hot As A Firecracker" Cheese Cracker Snack

My resume is fairly full of positions I’ve filled and skills I’ve acquired. What it doesn’t describe is my career as a professional snacker.

I snack. Snacks are my thing, meals are not. It’s not that I have anything against meals, I thoroughly enjoy them when they come around! It’s the grocery shopping that has to happen beforehand that leaves my refrigerator and pantry empty, but my wallet reasonably (and relatively) full. I just have a hard time justifying buying loads of groceries for one person! Seems awfully silly to me.

It also doesn’t help that I become the most indecisive person in the world the second I step foot in any supermarket. There’s so many options and items for me to choose from—do I want pasta, or Asian food, or pizza, or the salad bar, or soup, or cookie cake, or ice cream…you see what my problem is? Sometimes, I become so overwhelmed that I walk out empty handed looking anxious as all get out to the point where I probably appear as if I’m shoplifting!

I’m constantly brainstorming how I could possibly change my ways and become a meal maker, and I’ve only managed to come up with one solution—hire a live-in chef. Good news for them would be they wouldn’t have to purchase any condiments—they make up about 90% of my fridge right now. Bad news for me, is my “reasonably (and relatively) full” wallet isn’t quite full enough for that kind of service!

I’ll hold on to that solution for more prosperous days. In the meantime, I’ll keep calm and snack on.

This week, I made a snack to match my 4th of July themed, Firecracker Pound Cake! These “Hot as a Firecracker” cheese crackers are the most addicting recipe I’ve made in a very long time—bake at your own risk!

What I love most about this snack recipe is your ability to customize it to what your taste buds want and can handle. For me, the spicier and hotter, the better. But that’s not necessarily the case for everyone. This recipe comes with a good amount of heat, but if you can’t stand the heat…I promise you won’t have to get out of your kitchen! All you have to do is minimize your spices.

Recipe is below--can’t wait to see the variations y’all come up with! Happy baking!

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Firecracker Pound Cake

For this year’s fine 4th, I decided to bake my family’s pound cake recipe but with a twist!

I’m not usually one to stray away from a recipe, especially this one because pound cakes are awfully finicky, but I wanted to try to make this cake as 4th of July themed as possible by adding some reds and blues to it…key word being try! I split my batter into 3 parts and made 1 part red and 1 part blue and kept the 3rd part plain. Now, I will be the first to admit that it was not very pretty when I took it out of the oven. The good news for me is my family consists of what I like to call Equal Opportunity Cake Eaters—we’re not ones to discriminate against cakes! Sadly, even if we don’t love it, we’ll usually still eat it. We just love cake.

No matter how many times I make Nana’s famous pound cake, I feel like I’m making it for the first time--no one can make it like she can! The best part of all of us getting together is arguably getting to eat her pound cake! We've baked and served it at weddings, every year for Christmas, and during our summer visits, yet I still text and call her and Mom numerous times asking questions I already know the answer to. You would think I’ve never laid eyes on the recipe before!
With this cake in particular, there’s a fine line between perfect and overcooked. And if you serve this cake any one in my family, they expect perfection—well actually, we prefer it a tad on the undercooked side, that’s our definition of perfection! You also can’t know for sure how it’s turned out until you cut a slice—so if you serve it to a group and its underwhelming, then just blame it on the humidity! That excuse seems to work for cake as much as it does for hair!

 Side note: Remember how I told y'all I usually put down newspaper on my kitchen counters when baking to ensure a mess-free kitchen? Well, sadly that couldn't happen this time because I accidentally ran over my newspaper when mowing my lawn (see picture below for a good laugh!)...I really shouldn't be allowed to do yard work, but at least my neighbors stay entertained!

I am a firm believer in having cake for breakfast, so this morning, in efforts to prepare myself for what’s to come when I serve it at my family’s 4th of July BBQ, I cut a “thin” slice with a healthy serving of icing on top. I was pleasantly surprised by the look and the taste! It turns out all my cake anxiety was unnecessary this time around!

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