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6 Ways To Maximize Your Small Space

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"Just because your space is small doesn't mean it can't be magnificent!"

Proportions. Essentially, small spaces should be equipped with smaller décor. This doesn’t mean you can only use tiny furniture—you just want to be sure to stay aware of proportions. If you have a large television you want to choose a piece of furniture that can complement its size. If you have shelves on your wall or a bookcase, be sure the items and accessories you place on it are all similar to each other in size.

Mirrors. Y’all would think I am the most conceited person if you saw how many mirrors The Mint Cottage has! Now I may like a long glance in one every now and then, but the real reason I have so many is because they can add depth to your rooms. A majority of the time they act as an additional window, reflecting double the amount of light in the room, which can also double your space!

Multi-tasking furniture. Furniture that can take on more than one purpose is super helpful in maximizing your small space. Small spaces tend to not have enough storage. For example, find you a piece of furniture like a dresser or book case to use as a television stand. My television stand happens to be a bookcase that I’ve had since college. I purchased inexpensive wicker baskets similar to these to add additional storage. Side note: don’t overlook furniture hand-me-downs! My television stand is also the same bookcase my mom used when she was in college!

Paint colors. Pick a soft simple palette for your walls. I was fortunate enough to purchase my house already freshly painted with neutral colors. Using lighter colors not only brightens your rooms and makes it appear larger, but it also gives you flexibility with the color of your décor.

Don’t be afraid to accessorize! Fill your walls, shelves, and tables with things you love! Doing so will automatically make your home seem more personal and inviting. Just be sure your accessories are organized and intentional with their placements to avoid becoming clutter. The Mint Cottage has so many knick-knacks because its owner (I won’t name any names…) has a problem, but that’s okay because they are all strategically organized!

The number of pineapples I have throughout my home is a little unreal. I can't help myself! Pineapples actually have a neat story to them: historically, this fruit was crowned that of social events and became the symbol of welcome, friendship, and hospitality. If you saw a whole pineapple displayed at a party, then that told you no expense was spared in guaranteeing yours and other guests' enjoyment. So, in other words, I'm super hospitable here at The Mint Cottage!
(1. Pineapple Trinket Dish    2. Kate Spade Candy Stripe Note Pads    3. Pineapple Candle Jar    4. Bamboo Print Matchbox    5. Things We Love Book     6. Island Style Book)

I never turn away family furniture hand-me-downs! Even if you don't have a place for them when you first receive them, hold on to them--you never know when you'll feel like changing your home's look! These are from my Aunt Paige and their sizes complement everything else in the room.
Rugs. If you know me at all, then you know I love to "cut a rug!" I also love using rugs as décor and space creators! Rugs, if used decorously--this is an actual word, I promise—will create additional depth in the room. Also don’t be afraid to mix patterns and colors with your rug! Just be sure its colors are attached to other accessories around the room to avoid a cluttered look.

This rug is one of my favorite purchases, and I didn't even have to break the bank to buy it! I just love how it ties in my entire living room space. You can purchase it here in different sizes!
I'm a sucker for a pretty wingback chair. I've found that the best ones are at local shops like The Red Collection, Shoppes on Patterson, and Carriage House. You can spend days just exploring shops like these! But I'm obsessed with how perfectly this chair (which I got from my mother's house) pairs with my rug!
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Oh, Hoppy Day!

For Easter, I finally gave the deviled eggs making a try, and apparently they were eggcelent!

Wow, even I rolled my eyes after reading that joke--let's just pretend I told a better one!

Any chance I get to photograph my eggs I definitely take because I purchased the cutest egg crate that goes perfectly with the rest of my pistachio-colored kitchen stuff! I got mine at Home Goods, but similar ones can be found on Etsy.
My favorite part of Easter has always been the time spent with family. Some of my fondest memories were formed around this holiday! One that I will never forget is the year mom and I visited my aunt Jonanne in Tokyo, Japan over Easter break. I was only 9 years old at the time so everything about this trip was pretty bizarre to me. Mom and I could not get used to the time change, so in the middle of each night you could find us laying in bed watching movies on our mini dvd players that we rented from the airport. For some reason I thought that was the most fun--it was like a sleepover party but with my mom, something I don't think I'll ever outgrow!

That handsome guy in the front is my nephew, who is Franklin by day and Super Boy by night! He was our little Easter ham this year and we couldn't get enough of him per usual! Whenever we would say cheese for photos he would say "Super Boy" and do a little pose! Could you not just eat him on a cracker?!

Love my sassters!  1. Spring Beaded Scarf Necklace - y'all, to say I'm obsessed with this necklace is an understatement! It's perfect for spring and summer. Check out the Beth Ladd Collections website for so many more amazing accessories.
As for the food, when I wasn't eating meatball subs from Subway and the multiple bowls of slurpy noodles, I was busy experiencing so many new things, some really great, and some not so great, like the chalky Japanese candy that was super popular at the time...no thank you. Growing up in our household, if you didn't like what was being served at meals, then you just went hungry...or made you a bowl of cereal. This was also the case while we were in Tokyo. Looking back, I'm actually glad this was the case because it made me try certain things that I otherwise may never have developed a liking for. 

Finally putting the deviled egg platter to good use! I got mine at the Swoozie's here in Greensboro, but I'm sure other locations carry it, as well!

My point is that I was constantly challenged to step outside of my, very small comfort zone as it related to foods, but I'm so glad I did/was forced to. It expanded my horizons and palette at such a young age, and really taught me how enriching stepping out can be..

Kat filled me in on an eggceptional secret...okay, I promise that was the last one...older eggs peel easier, and this must be true because peeling these took no time. Only one egg was damaged during the peel process...
I think that's why it took me so long to finally make these darn deviled eggs! It's a dish that is completely out of my "baking" comfort zone that I've come to know over the years. I will openly admit that I am not one who likes to change her ways, so the thought of doing something new and different was a bit intimidating. It was quite the experiment and I'm thankful for my friend Kat who gave me her recipe and answered my many questions that I had throughout the entire process. 

Similar to your cleaning supplies and spare lightbulbs, Duke's Mayonnaise is just another household necessity--no but really, it's a must when making anything that calls for mayo, just ask Southern Living!
It's crazy to think about all the amazing things you can create when you step outside your comfy little box! Sometimes the thought of something is a lot more intimidating than actually doing it.

A fancy piping bag is totally not necessary--I usually just use a regular Ziploc bag and cut one of the corners--works like a charm!

Ta-da! The dish looks much better when actually in use.

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"Sometimes, Riding Your Bike To The Wine Store Is All The Balance You Need."

Energy (enÉ™rjÄ“) – Something I do not have nearly enough of.
Balance (balÉ™ns) – See energy definition.

Y’all. Adulting is exhausting. I feel like I am constantly tired and always just running around like a city chicken with its head cut off! Here I am, three years out of college, still trying to figure out how to make all the pieces of my life fit comfortably in my day-to-day.

In my opinion, trying to put together a schedule is quite similar to decorating a home. You have these rooms that you want to fill, and you have your basic furniture pieces to place first. Then you add all the fun décor and accent pieces to liven up the entire home! You have to somehow find a way to adequately and proportionately fit it all in there. You don’t want to over fill the home because you’ll find it difficult to maneuver through it, you'll probably start to feel overwhelmed, and end up not being able to breathe. Okay, that last part may be a little dramatic…but you get the point! On the other hand, you also don’t want to put so little in your home that you are underwhelmed and plain bored—you’d just be stuck twiddlin' your thumbs, wondering what on earth you’re going to do with all the extra space. You’ve got to find the right balance between too much and too little! 

Easier said than done, right?

(Side note: If you have a small space like me, and need help balancing it out, then visit this post for tips!)

It seems like I’m always scrambling to maintain a social lifestyle, work my usual 40 hours a week, make sure I exercise at least five times each week, regularly cook healthy meals, spend time with my family, keep my house clean, remember to feed my kitty angels (I promise I’m a good mommy to them!), and somehow manage to throw some sleep into the mix every so often.

It’s draining! And my honest advice on how to handle it all isn't very profound, it's actually quite simple—do what you can. Otherwise, you’ll just start wondering what the point is to pushing yourself so hard all of the time. I've learned that balance comes in so many different forms. Sometimes it's sleeping in a couple extra hours instead of getting up at 5am for that Tuesday spin class that kicks your butt; or eating that full pint of Halo Top for dinner every once in a while instead of cooking an elaborate “zoodles with made-from-scratch pesto, perfectly round tomatoes, and extra-grated grated parmesan cheese;” if you’re a pajama lover like me, then you’ll be happy to know that it’s sometimes being in your pajamas by 8pm just in time for Grey’s Anatomy rather than going out for your usual Thursday night drinks that lead to singing Shania Twain at the karaoke bar until 2am; and sometimes, riding your bike to the wine store is all the balance you need.

I may be 25, but my dad still tells me to wear a helmet...especially to the wine store! La Vieille Ferme is my favorite Rose--not too sweet, not too tart, super refreshing during the warmer months!
(1. Lace Up Espadrilles    2. Pink Cruiser Bike    3. La Vieille Rose )

This is what true balance and energy preservation is all about, if you ask me.

In efforts to better balance my (not-so-great) snacking habits and help fix my personal daily energy deficit, I decided to have a go at making some cute little energy bites that I keep seeing all over Pinterest! Any of these recipes are great if you are constantly on the go and need a breakfast or snack that complements your fast-paced day.

After bopping through a ton of variations, I decided to go with a nut/berry combo. What’s great about all these different energy bite recipes is their ability to be altered based on your own personal taste buds. For example, if you’re not crazy about cashews that’s totally cool! You can swap them out for pecans or almonds.

I chose to throw together pistachios, dried cranberries, and honey. Oh, and white chocolate chips because, well, chocolate is a necessity in my (recipe) book! See below for the recipe details!
Oh, and I feel like I should warn you…a sticky situation is ahead!
P.S. - You may notice a different kitchen...I made some of these at work, on my lunch break, in a mock kitchen...it's called work-life balance, right?!

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