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"Bring Your Dessert To Work" Day!

I recently decided that each week I would bring in a different dessert to work. This summer I've had the opportunity to intern for The Sales Factory, a full service strategic marketing and advertising agency, here in Greensboro. I knew I would be gaining a great deal of experience with my job in just these short couple of months but I never expected to fall in love with it as much as I have. TSF's work environment, people, and success have helped to make this summer one of my favorites! When it is time for me to head back to school, I'm secretly hoping they will tell me to just go ahead and quit school and come work for them permanently...a girl can dream, right?

I wanted to start off with something really fun and decadent this week! I was originally thinking about making cake pops so I kept those in mind as I browsed my Pinterest boards for ideas. Cake pops are one of my favorite things to make so they actually have they're very own board.  My cake pops have never failed me and I'm pretty sure they're the reason I passed physics in high school...or it could have been my giant cupcakes, my brownies, or the endless supply of cookies. As you can see, I was a bit of an overachiever when it came to school.

I was exploring my various pins and I came across a bunch of different truffles that had me changing my mind about the cake pops. I tried to choose between making truffles or pops but eventually asked myself why settle for just one? I decided to combine both and create truffle pops!

I knew making them would be just as fun and possibly a little easier as there would be no cake to bake. Because truffle pops, or any kind of pop, are nearly bite sized, I wanted to make these super decadent and exploding with flavor.

I came across this recipe for truffles made with the white and pink frosted circus animal cookies and as soon as I laid my eyes on these I knew I had to give them a try, but in "pop" form!

They came out better than I imagined they would and were a hit at home and at work! Their small size, bursts of colors, and sweet as can be flavor can put a smile on anybody's face...and stomach!

I went a little overboard when i was taking pictures of the truffle pops because i just could not get enough! Choosing only a few photos was way too difficult so I included a bunch below, along with the recipe I used.

Hope y'all enjoy and happy baking!

Mark's the first customer! He loved it!

Circus Animal Cookie Truffle Pops:
1 bag circus animal cookies
6 oz plain cream cheese, slightly softened (or 8 oz cream cheese frosting)
White and pink candy melts (I purchased mine at Michael's)
Pink and/or white nonpareils or rainbow sprinkles
Lollipop/candy sticks
Pasta colander or chunk of styrofoam

1. Line baking sheet with parchment paper and set aside. In a food processor, grind the cookies (about 1 cup at a time) until finely chopped. Pour all the ground cookies into a large bowl.
2. Next, spoon in the cream cheese and mix together how ever you would like. I prefer using my hands! It gets a little messy but seems to be more efficient than a spoon or spatula.
3. Roll mixture into 1 inch-sized balls and place onto baking sheet.
4. Refrigerate (or freeze) the truffles for about an hour or until you're ready to decorate.
5. Place truffles on candy sticks. Dip half the batch into the white chocolate and the other half into the pink chocolate (When melting the chocolates, follow the bag's instructions). Allow the excess chocolate to drip off the bottom. After dipping each one, stick truffle pops either in a chunk of styrofoam or an upside down pasta colander so they are able to be somewhat vertical.
6. While still wet, decorate with sprinkles/nonpareils.
7. Allow all truffle pops to harden and set in the fridge. Store in either the fridge or freezer until time to serve.
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Dad's Day!

Father’s Day was a few days ago and I’m so thankful I was able to spend not only the day but also the entire weekend with the best guy in the world – my dad! Or Howie, as some of my friends call him.

My dad was relocated to Nashville, Tennessee earlier this year and although I’m away at school in Georgia a majority of the time and don’t see him very often, it’s still a little strange to think he’s living anywhere but Greensboro. Greensboro has been our home for the past 15 years and I know it will continue to be my dad’s home even though he’s over 400 miles away. It’s safe to say I’m not the only one here in the boro who misses him.

My favorite guy

I’m constantly reminded of how great of a guy my dad is whenever I run into our friends, family, and even acquaintances around town. Now, for those that have not visited Greensboro, it isn’t very big so I almost always run into people we know whether at the gym, tennis courts, near-by Harris Teeter, Fresh Market, or Friendly Shopping Center. And every time I do run into someone, one of the first questions I’m asked is, “How’s Howard doing?” I fill them in on what he’s been up to and when he is next visiting home. They usually reply by saying, “We just love your dad,” or “You’re dad’s the man,” or “Howard is just the nicest guy.” The list goes on and on, and if I sat down one day and wrote down all the nice things I’ve ever heard about my dad I would end up with novels upon novels.

Us at Disney World

For Dad’s day, I wanted to give him something that I knew he would absolutely love! Well it took me about a mere 30 seconds to come up with something. Whoever first said that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach sure must’ve met my dad a time or two. If there’s one thing that Howie can never turn down, it’s anything sweet and/or chocolate. We always make fun of him because every morning for breakfast he sits down with his two chocolate fudge pop tarts and diet coke. If he were ever stranded on an island and could only bring 5 things with him, those two would definitely make the cut. The third thing would be water because, as he says, it always seems to “hit the spot” for him even if we are sitting at a bar while I enjoy my glass (…or bottle) of pinot grigio. The fourth item would be string green beans. I only add these in because once upon a time the two of us were out to dinner and enjoying said green beans and my dad basically shouted to the rest of the restaurant, “These green beans are so good, they taste like candy!” I assure you they did not taste like candy and I quickly reminded him they were a vegetable. I still haven’t let him live that one down. And if any one knows my dad at all, you would obviously know that the fifth thing accompanying him on the island would be his beloved treadmill. That man could run for days…or until he got hurt which would probably be sooner than later. Bless his heart!

Anyways, back to his gift! At the beginning of the summer I told myself I would embark on a journey to make the perfect chocolate chip cookie and Father’s Day seemed like the perfect time to showcase what I had come up with. I had been doing my research by visiting various baking blogs and cookbooks to find the ingredients and recipes that would lead me to THE chocolate chip cookie.

So I took what I learned and played around with some recipes. Long story short, batch number one tasted delicious but looked somewhat disastrous, in my opinion. For those who don’t know me too well, you should know that if whatever I bake doesn’t come out perfect, then I pretty much hate it. When it came time for batch number two I changed some measurements, the type of chocolate chip, and the baking time. I also used some tips and ideas from sallysbakingaddiction.com. Sally’s blog, recipes, and pictures are all amazing and I hope I can one day build my blog and name to be just as great as hers. In the meantime, I will continue to visit her blog and her other social media pages and take away as much as I possibly can from her work.

The heavenly aroma taking over the kitchen let me know that batch number two was ready to come out of the oven.


I didn’t hate them!!!!

In fact, I loved them. If I could, I would have held them and cradled them like babies forever.

Howie loved them, too! He even ate two in one sitting. Don't get too crazy now, Dad.

Ready for the oven!

THE Chocolate Chip Cookie #perfection

Although he did manage to eat two at one time, I knew he would not be able to finish a whole batch so I sent the remaining cookies to my friend, Willie, who is working in New Jersey this summer and completed a triathlon on Saturday! I figured he would enjoy a cookie or nine after his race. Why anyone would do a triathlon is still beyond me. The race consisted of swimming 600 meters, then biking 22 miles, THEN running 5 miles. Although I was quite the swimmer back in my day (and have all my first place ribbons to prove it) I’m sure I would still end up drowning after a few meters. I’m tired just talking about it…sheesh!

Willie and I!

To conclude, my cookies were quite a success and so was my entire weekend thanks to my wonderful, sweet and amazing dad! Not only is he my dad, but he’s also my friend, and I’m so blessed to have him in my life!

Love you, dad!

I’ve shared the recipe I used below…enjoy!

And happy baking!!

 2 and 1/4 cup all-purpose flour
 1 teaspoon baking soda
 1 and 1/2 teaspoons cornstarch
1.5 sticks salted butter, melted
3/4 cup light brown sugar
1/2 cup granulated sugar
1 large egg
1 egg yolk
2.5 teaspoons vanilla extract
1.5 cups mini chocolate chips (or however many you like!)

1. Combine the flour, baking soda, cornstarch and salt in a 
medium-sized bowl.
2. In a different bowl, whisk the butter, brown sugar, and white sugar together until no lumps remain.
3. Then add the egg, egg yolk, and vanilla. Whisk until well combined.
4. Pour the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients. Mix together preferably with a rubber spatula.
5. Fold in the chocolate chips.
6. Chill the dough for at least an hour.
7. Take the dough out of the refrigerator and let sit for a few minutes.
8. Preheat the oven to 325F degrees and line your baking sheets with parchment paper.
9. Roll the dough into balls. Tip from sallysbakingaddiction.com: “Roll the cookie dough balls to be taller rather than wide, to ensure the cookies will bake up to be thick.”
10. Bake the cookies for 10-12 minutes but keep an eye on the oven so they don’t overcook! The cookies will keep cooking on the baking sheet once they are removed from the oven so do NOT let cookies bake any longer than 10-12 minutes.
11. Let the cookies sit on the cookie sheet for about 7 or 8 minutes before moving them to a cooling rack or cool surface.

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